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✓ Move within 1 day

Assemble & disassemble

Assemble & Disassemble

In some cases it is necessary that certain furniture must first be dismantled before it can be removed from the home or building. It often happens that a large cupboard does not fit through a door or stairwell at all. You can then use our assembly and disassembly service. Want to completely unburden yourself? Then choose the disassembly/assembly and packing and unpacking service of Flexverhuizen. Thanks to our experts, your household effects can be safely and professionally dismantled and reassembled at the new location. You don't have to worry about the safety of your belongings during transport either. We ensure that all your furniture and precious belongings arrive at your new home address without any damage.

Your advantages when you choose Flexverhuizen assembling & dismantling moving company:

  • Cheaper than other moving companies
  • No down payment or surprising moving costs
  • Safe and flexible move
  • Moving nationwide

Assembly & disassembly Let Flex arrange it?

Assemble & disassemble for an affordable price

✓ Free and non-binding quote within 4 hours.

Trained movers

Moving within 1 day: from packing to unpacking.

  The best moving company for over 8 years.

Assemble & disassemble
Assemble & disassemble